CEA CAPA Directory

Alexis Di Stefano, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo

Barcelona, Spain

Fall 2023

if you could pick another cea capa program (besides yours) which one would it be and why?
I'd choose Cape Town, South Africa. I traveled to 12 European countries in the semester I studied abroad in Spain, and I'd love to explore the African continent, experiencing the different cultures that encompass it.

what's one thing about cea capa you think everyone should know?
CEA CAPA bridges the outside world to traditional learning environments, recognizing that learning is best done both inside and outside of the classroom. They give us as students many opportunities to go on study abroad excursions and travel on the weekends with less coursework than most people expect. Their courses exemplify the learning goals by doing strategy, ideal for Cal Poly students.


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Alexis Di Stefano,  Alumni Ambassador