CEA CAPA Directory

Alexi Ringler, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Summer 2023

What's one story or important aspect you always share about your time abroad?
Your host family really becomes your family. My host mom (and her two cats) made me feel completely comfortable and at home in Buenos Aires. She suggested what I could do after school to explore the city and ways to adventure both within and outside of Argentina. She helped me hone my Spanish tremendously and was so patient with me. I'm thankful for her beyond words. We're still in contact to this day and often exchanges messages of well wishes and share study abroad stories!

if you could pick another cea capa program (besides yours) which one would it be and why?I'd love to study abroad in Costa Rica with CEA CAPA! I'm eager to become fluent in Spanish and Costa Rica would allow me to connect deeper with the language and broaden my knowledge of different Spanish accents and dialects.

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Alexi Ringler,  Alumni Ambassador