CEA CAPA Directory

Abigail Heisler, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Seville, Spain

Summer 2023

What was your favorite class while abroad, and why?
My favorite class abroad was Sports Psychology with Jose Carlos. Jose Carlos was the best professor I've ever had, and he truly cared about us. The content of the course was extremely interesting, and I can definitely apply it to my future career!

How did you engage with the local community while abroad?
While I was abroad, I engaged with the local community through many different ways. I frequented the local cafes and markets, which allowed me to interact with people in a genuine way. Also, I attended sports games within the area, which allowed me to experience the true magic of a community coming together to root for a specific team! These experiences were amazing, and I am so glad that I was able to connect with the locals in Sevilla.


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Abigail Heisler,  Alumni Ambassador