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High Impact Educational Practices Maximize Student Learning

July 19, 2022
by CEA CAPA Staff

High Impact Educational Practices Maximize Student Learning on CEA CAPA Programs

We began 2022 with this new CEA Bulletin and a prediction by our Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Louis Berends, that 2022 would be “the year of recovery and rebound for education abroad.” This has proven true in more ways than one: enrollment projections in study abroad are promising, and we continue to see pent-up demand from students who have learned under lockdown for the past two years. More importantly, CEA CAPA is expanding what High-Impact Educational Practices (HIP) are available to our students, so that we are purposefully maximizing student learning. What are HIPs, and moreover, how do these better impact students?  

As described by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), High-Impact Practices are effective, educational, and transformational learning opportunities that occur both inside and outside of the typical classroom setting. These opportunities are connected to increased educational outcomes that significantly contribute to the recovery and rebound for education abroad. CEA CAPA provides several of the full list of HIPs recognized by the AAC&U:  

  • Capstone Courses and Projects 

  • Collaborative Assignments and Projects 

  • Common Intellectual Experiences 

  • Diversity and Global Learning 

  • ePortfolios 

  • Writing-Intensive Courses 

Each of the practices above has been proven to increase student engagement and retention. But they do not just ensure student success; rather, they provide deeper understanding of the academic curriculum.  

When developing new HIPs, CEA CAPA carefully reviews feedback, requests, and priorities from our institutional partners to create a framework that brings high-quality international academic programs and services to students. CEA CAPA Study Centers enhance students’ ability to engage with local language and culture and facilitate cross-cultural connections. Excursions are crafted for their ability to cultivate cultural awareness, understanding, and perspective – skills that define global competence. CEA CAPA's international internships transform students into career-ready graduates through a rigorous process that combines self-awareness of strengths, areas for improvement, as well as the opportunity to put these qualities into practice within a high-quality workplace setting.  

The CEA CAPA Academics Team brings significant institutional experience that ensures the opportunities provided align with college and university expectations when partnering with an education abroad provider. Additionally, as leaders of the team, Dr. Berends and Dr. Stina DuFour, Academic Dean of Global Programs, bring a scholar-practitioner mindset to their work. They have the experience and skill set required to explore the unique and specific ways that CEA CAPA’s HIPs have advanced students’ personal and professional growth beyond what was possible at their home campus. 

As a current or potential institutional partner of CEA CAPA, how do you hope we can collaboratively shape students' mindsets and ensure they are having high-quality experiences? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

Interested in partnering with CEA CAPA on a new destination or program? Reach out to your CEA CAPA Institutional Regional Director today.

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